World Mental Health Day/ADHD Awareness Month

So it's World Mental Health Day and also ADHD Awareness month. I was only officially diagnosed with ADHD 1.5 years ago, after a lifetime of basically being told by mental professionals I was too smart to have it. It turns out not being able to regulate attention can be a plus when you can't tear yourself away from math, science and programming.


People close to me know I've struggled with hitting deadlines, disorganization and generally being messy but a good chunk of ADHD is also emotional regulation. I've recently started retaking medication for it which frankly has made me a better boyfriend, standup and all around person.


I added a really useful YouTube series I've been getting through the last couple of weeks. It does a good job of explaining what goes on in ADHD brains in case you want to better understand anyone in your life with it (and if you're reading this you know at least one person in your life that has it )